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Hello there, my name is Alan (Als if you want to give me a nickname) and I am currently a senior at Thomas Edison CTE High School. The Doggo For Me is an app that I came up with while trying to brainstorm ideas for my AP Computer Science Create Task. Which is pretty much my final exam for the class... so it was pretty stressful. However, every single idea that I had was not going to give me enough time to actually make. So, I tried to think as simple as possible with my interests of animals in the mix. Then, it hit me, an app that would help people look for a desired animal of their liking and thinking of what kind of animal best suits them depending on the breeding purpose of the dog. If they wanted a sled pulling dog... BOOM... a list of dogs that are meant for sled pulling. Hunting? BOOM... list. Even something as trivial as cuddling, or just companionship. Boom... list. And so, the idea of The Doggo For Me came to be. 

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