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Design by

Alan (Als)

Organized by

Thomas A. Edison CTE High School

This app was originally created for my AP Computer Science Create Task. However, when I saw the opportunity to present my app in the Emoticon 2022 competition, I saw a bright future ahead of it that was filled with convenience, simplicity, and happiness. Although it is still very rudimentary in its applications. I see an app that can really blossom into something beautiful that can be used by everybody. Without further ado... The Doggo For Me 

Our Inspiration

I wanted to create an app that would make it easier for people to find the dog that they require. Especially with the several breeds of dogs out there, each with their own unique purpose. I want to be able to help people find the dog that is necessary for them in one app instead of trying to do immense research on the internet.

Happy Dog
App Pic.png

About the App

The app I am presenting is a dog finder for people who are looking for dogs that have a specific breeding purpose. The Doggo For Me app allows you to search for the type of dog you need depending on the purpose you need the dog for. It will also give you an error message and tell you about the options you are allowed to choose from. For now, since it is still very much in the development stage, you are only able to pick out of 5 breeding reasons and a limited amount of dogs. 

This app is functional, however it is not the best it can be. I want the user to be able to search up more animals, instead of just dogs. I would say that now, my app needs to have more information applied to the program so that the user can have more assorted information to look through. 

Grey Kitten

Our Design Process

With the idea of simplicity, a love for animals, and a pair of hands to code with, the idea for my app was born. First, I came up with a rudimentary idea of what should be included and how it would look like. Then, I had to choose a singular animal to showcase and ended up choosing dogs. Afterwards, I started coding the most basic necessities so that the app would be functional enough to be showcased. Finally, with the help of my friend/peer, I troubleshooted any problems that may have occurred.

Hopefully, after further development of the app, the user will be able to search for more breeding reasons with even MORE pets such as dogs, cats, and even snakes. While we are still a long way ahead, I know that it would definitely be possible with a little bit of hard work and determination. 

"Just because it is hard to find the one for you, does not mean they are not out there... somewhere"

- Als


What is the conclusion of your project?
Did the results support your “hunch” or predicted outcome?
How will your work help the area of need you’ve researched? What would you do next if you had time or resources?

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