Design by: Juan & John
Organized by
Students from Thomas A. Edison High School in the Web Development Program
Our Inspiration
The challenge that our project is addressing is drug abuse and how difficult that can be. Not only does drug abuse affect one person but as well as the people around them. Drugs can be really addicting and can lead to the downfall of your life. In this presentation we will give you ways to get rid of these addictions as well as the information to rehabs. We live in a city where drugs and other illegal substances are very common and usually are used or discovered by teens our age and even older. We want to keep the city clean and healthy because we already have enough problems going on.
Break from anxiety Game
For this project we made a game where you have to spot the difference. This picture is what the screen will look like for a quick 5 seconds before it switches into a dark screen and then you have to check which item changed. If you hover over the image on the left the second screen will pop up which is where the items changed. We have created this mini game which relates to both our presentation and project of 3D Drug Shooter because this game will be played in order to distract yourself from the anxiety one gets from wanting drugs. We made this mini game in Ghost School unity, this game used simple coding that we have learned throughout the lessons and levels of Ghost School.
Our Project
Our project is a video game that puts you in the mind of a drug addict and you have to avoid the drugs coming at you. This game was made to see it from the perspective of someone who is dealing with a drug addiction. The goal of this game is to avoid the drugs and to make it as far as possible. We want to give you a better understanding of how difficult it can be for those who deal with this issue.
Ways to Prevent Drug Abuse
First start off by making sure that you understand or know what is going on in your body and if you don't know ask your doctor because they know what's best for you and they could possibly recommend any prescription pills if needed only. You also want to know the procedures of how drug abuse starts and how it progressively gets worse. Make sure you avoid peer pressure so stay away from friends or even family that tries to convince you it is ok to take drugs. Avoiding temptation, this can be difficult once because people tend to wonder what it is like but it is better to be safe than sorry. Last most important thing is to keep a well-balanced life, People often turn to drugs and alcohol when something in their life is missing or not working. Practicing stress management skills can help you overcome these life stressors and will help you live a balanced and healthy life.
Our Design Process
We discussed different issues we had going on around the world, so we decided to tackle drug abuse, one of the most common issues occurring around us. Most people might not know that this could be happening around them because drug addiction doesn't always have physical signs, it's more of a mental problem. We decided to make a game which is taking place in a drug addict's mind for you to get a better perspective of it. The goal is to try to navigate yourself throughout their mind and try to avoid the drugs flying by and you have the ability to push them away with these little hand lasers.​
This is the most important takeaway that everyone has to remember.
In conclusion we hope that this presentation as well as the project gave everyone a better understanding of the issue that is most common which is drug abuse. If you would like to go more deep into this topic or even learn more about drug abuse or if you want help or want to help someone else with drug abuse here are a couple links to help you with that: